What are the Responsibilities of an RBT?


A Registered Behavior Technician spends about 40 hours in training and then a lifetime learning and improving on the job. 

This, and the sensitive nature of their work, makes an RBT professional someone who must take all their duties, responsibilities, and general code of conduct very seriously. What can you expect regarding day-to-day challenges in this field, and what are your responsibilities? Let us take a look. 

Who is A Registered Behavior Technician?

A Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) is a paraprofessional who aids behavior interventions among clients in the medical, educational, occupational, and military settings. They are supervised by the Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) or the Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst(BCaBA).

Behavior analysis involves:

  • Making therapy plans.
  • Implementing day-to-day activities among the client group.
  • Looking for breakthroughs in evidence-based intervention studies that can be used for individual cases in a practical setting. 

8 Key Responsibilities That RBT Professionals Meet On Their Job

RBT Responsibilities

Implementing Behaviour Therapy Plans

RBTs work closely with other behavior therapy professionals like BCBAs, BCaBAs Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers, etc, to develop therapy plans that are sensitive to the personal needs of the clients as well as their cultural, social, and age-based needs. 

However, it is primarily the work of the RBT professional to implement various sections of this plan in a sincere and timely manner, as well as take regular feedback from the client who is undergoing them.

Monitoring Client Development

The professional regularly monitors client development by administering several verbal, nonverbal, and psychomotor assessments that can send the general development of the client. 

The collected data must be regularly communicated with other healthcare professionals the client is involved with so that timely interventions can be planned.

Developing Great Client-therapist Bonds

An RBT is perhaps someone the client meets the most. They, therefore, become a role model to which the client can turn for any need. Thus, the job of this professional is to create a trustable, dependable, and progressive environment where the client feels connected and can communicate even when they feel vulnerable. 

Handling Crisis and Introducing Real-time Guidance

We all have bad days, and our clients need professional, educated guidance when everything feels like a crisis. 

Individuals going through extreme situations are in a position where they require crisis management on multiple occasions. An RBT must be well-trained to handle emergency episodes and de-escalate any harmful situation.

Promoting Generic Client Well-being

RBTs are responsible for practicing warm, inviting techniques like unconditional positive regard and active, inclusive communication so the client feels a general increase in their subjective well-being. 

Clients expect professionals to be present and available for their needs; this makes a client feel confident, loved, and appreciated.

Meeting Treatment Goals

Goals set by the behavior therapy team are generally S.M.A.R.T., i.e., specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. 

Quantifiable growth must be achieved within a particular period; at the same time, clients must be allowed to explore themselves and their surroundings at their own pace. This is why we need RBTs to keep track of treatment goals and report to supervisors punctually.

Creating Community Awareness

In most cases, but not all, clients’ well-being depends on communal acceptance and social integration. 

More and more mental health professionals are now emphasizing increasing collective awareness about individuals with special needs. RBTs can conduct regional campaigns and host support groups for this.

Providing Support To Caregivers

It falls within the duties of an RBT to extend support and help not only to the client themselves but also to other family members, friends, teachers, employers, etc, who reach out to them. This way, not only does everybody feel at ease, but the client is better able to connect with them and meet their needs.

What Can a RBT Professional Expect To Work With?

As an RBT, you can expect to work with children with autism and aid their social, communication, and emotion regulation skills. Behavior therapists also regularly engage with children and young adults showing signs of ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) and ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder). You might also find a position in juvenile prisons, federal prisons, correction centers, and rehabilitation centers.

Individuals who have recently met with an accident might want to hire behavior analysts in the hospital setting for a more individualized approach. You may find yourself working with patients struggling with suicidal ideation or those who need robust and revolutionary therapy treatments like individuals with OCD, phobias, panic disorders, etc (for example, DTT, NET, Exposure Therapy, DBT, and many more).


As a Registered Behavior Technician, you will guide clients through the thick and thin of their healing journey and find yourself doing something good for the community daily. 

It is a rewarding career best served by constant engagement with studying and applying your knowledge carefully and sensitively. You will also work closely with BCBA supervisors and stay in how your clients introduce significant changes in their lives. This is an incredible opportunity for anyone passionate about mental health and social integration.

About Author

Jane Smith is a highly skilled writer specializing in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). With a master's degree in psychology and hands-on experience, she adeptly translates complex ABA concepts into accessible content. Her articles, catering to professionals and enthusiasts alike, bridge the gap between theory and practice. Jane is a passionate advocate for evidence-based practices, using her writing to promote a broader understanding of ABA's impact on individuals and communities.

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